I Love Tour - Croatia


When you start university within the first week you are pestered to hell with societies (sports mainly, at mine) wanting to recruit new people. Obviously I have absolutely no talent regarding sports whatsoever therefore I had no desire to join any teams or societies. Though I can't lie, for the last two years I have felt so jealous, because every week they meet up & do fancy dress and get drunk. THOUGH. This year, my friend became social sec of Table Tennis, so obviously we ALL had to join. Now when you become part of a sports society, you get the choice each Easter whether to attend tour or not. I would be 100% completely lying if I said we were 10 friends who just fancied a holiday. 
Anyway, I had heard multiple things about tour before like it's the worst thing ever, everyone gets painfully drunk, you're going to get dicked on and forced to do horrible, horrible torturous things. Myself and four housemates had to literally get someone who had been previously and asked him straight whether he thought we'd survive. The answer was no. But we knew regardless that we'd regret it if we didn't go, so 'eck we went ahead & booked it. 
It's fair to say, it was one of the best weeks of my life.

DAY ONE/TWO: Basically, the aim is to dress up every night - as you'd do on the socials on a Wednesday night. The first journey we embarked on was the Baby Social (maybe most of us cheated a little bit, but we are students, remember) before a cheeky MacDonalds breakfast before we embarked on our 27 hour coach journey. Now, it all started off fabulously, it was a cold day, the heating was on., everyone was drinking, an hour and a half was being knocked off our journey because we were taking the Euro Tunnel rather than a ferry. It was all going swell, until our lovely drivers, Steve & Nigel announced to us that the heating was broken and they were unable to turn it off. As you could imagine. It got pretty hot, very quickly. We were sat at the back of the coach and the radiators were either side of us and we dared move our legs without the risk of being scolded. Uncomfortable, as you can imagine.
After a ridiculously long journey and a coach full of swollen ankles later, we FINALLY arrived in Croatia.

DAY TWO/THREE/FOUR: These days were spent, honestly just chilling, eating good food, drinking cheap alcohol. It also gave me time to kind of reflect. I am so happy that I attended Tour, it was such an amazing experience. By experience I mean a holiday. I also made loads more friends, probably a bit late as I've only got a month of uni left. But I suppose it's better late than never. I've never laughed so much in a very long time. It was the break which I needed, there was just no (barely any, we won't get into that) stress. The second night we all became a bit of a target lets say to a football team from a university rhyming with When-Pitch. We're a rather small society, there's only 10 of us in total - bear this in mind. It all began when they came over and asked for our whistles - we were lifeguards - before smashing them up, (you get set 'challenges' on socials) two of us declined. Now me, being me blew my whistle multiple times - who can resist? This made me a little bit of a victim. Next thing we know, I am being hit on the head with one of our inflatables. all of them crowded round me, they were big lads you know, naturally I threw my drink in their face and started the biggest beer fight you could ever imagine. If I could watch it back I can guarantee it would be an Oscar winning performance.
I don't think I could have gone with a better bunch of people to be honest. So much happened in that week which I'd love to include but I'd hate to bore you all.

 DAY 5/6:  The journey home was horrendous, our drivers had figured out the heating problem yet still proceeded to blast it for about 7 hours on the way home. Nightmare. Though on the other hand, as someone who tries to see the brighter side of life, we visited many Countries on our wee coach journey - as someone who has visited a grand total of 3 countries this excited me greatly, as I was snapping away, Instagramming it all. I think we passed through 7 countries or something. It was better on the way home as we were passing through the ones we missed in the night-time on the way there. Beautiful.

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