Blogmas Day 5: What Christmas Means To Me.
For me Christmas isn't just a time for sharing, or a time for giving and receiving. It's literally everything. I live for Christmas. As soon as it hits December 1st I feel an instant happiness. I don't know what it is but there is something about the season which just means so much.
I feel that at Christmas everyone is just instantly happier, I feel much more obliged to speak to random strangers during the festive period.
I'm not sure if I feel this way purely because my family always go out and I was brought up to think that Christmas is much more than a celebration, and it's fair to say we don't do it by halves in our house. It's a time in which we all share whether it's Christmas films on a Saturday and Sunday night or the music in the car journeys, or shopping together. To me Christmas is definitely about family time and of course an excuse to spoil the ones we love, it's rare we're all in the same room together at the same time and it's lovely at Christmas to be so close.