Blogmas Day 4: Getting into the spirit!


As we're getting older I keep hearing the line " It just doesn't feel like Christmas" or "Nah, I'm not in the spirit". It makes me so depressed. 

Alas, I give you my post on how to get into the spirit:

*Decorate your house
There is no better ways to get into the Christmas spirit then putting on the festive tunes and and decorating the shit out of your house. Red & gold, I wanna see glitter from top to bottom, coloured lights everywhere. Tell me then you're not feeling Christmassy!

*The cosiest of nights
 Obviously it's cold outside and as much fun as going out is on the weekends. I'd hate for any of you to die of hypothermia. So get as many friends round as you can, cover the place in blankets, put your onsies on and embrace the season. Order a cheeky take-away and put on a Christmas Film. If this doesn't work, I have no idea what will. Remember - Staying in in the winter is the new going out. 

*Go and visit a garden centre
Ok, I'm sure you're all thinking "Bloody hell Beth, what are you on? Are you ok?" but trust me, they're always so beautifully decorated at this time of year. If it doesn't put you in a fabulous mood you've a heart of stone. 

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