Blogmas Catch Up.
So. DAY 7. We made a Christmas dinner. From Scratch.
And let me tell you, there is no way I am ever having kids, because cooking this dinner was just so stressful. Do you know how long it takes to cook a turkey? THREE HOURS. AND you have to check on it! Bloody 'ell imagine making a roast every week! No thanks!
If anyone knows us then they know that we sleep in, ridiculously late into the afternoon. But we were up so early to clean the kitchen, and make the food. It was mental. We actually did a banging job, if I may say so myself, the only issue was parsnips, which we quickly replaced with frozen ones.. We just didn't have the skills. This dinner actually made me feel sooooo Christmassy, it was so lovely to actually eat together for the first time ever, not on the sofa, with a ready meal.

I then had 2 days full of shows, where I was supposed to be focusing on my studies and not going out, but instead I did think about not going out, but thought fuck it, it's Christmas. And we were all dressing up, and, I love a good dress up... however, I set myself an alarm to be leave at 12:30 and I did! Best behaviour! Even surprised myself! The shows went fabulously, all went well and stuff.. hope I passed.

On the Friday, we went to the German Christmas Fair in Birmingham, which to be honest with you was far too busy to enjoy. But I love a good festive outing and it's dead cheap to get there, probably go again. I then packed my trunk up to go home for Christmas, first up. The work Xmas do, where I, even thouhg I said I wasn't going to, got myself pretty messed up, and then decorated our Christmas tree, all on me tod. Looks fabulous if you ask me.