What I'm Watching Right Now
This is just a given though isn't it really? The real question is who ISN'T watching Pretty Little Liars right now? I've been watching it since it first started and I cannot believe it is still messing with my mind! Just when you think it's over it starts all over again, probably my favourite show right now.
I only really started watching this in the summer because I got bored (yes I watched four series in less than two weeks, don't judge me). Everyone would always compare me to Jess and I suppose.. I kind of am her. It's very similar. Kinda weird. A very funny show, probably best for this time of year when everyone's a bit down.
Ok, I hold my hands up, this is so trashy but I'm a sucker for a little bit of trashy telly (a lot of). Also, Ibiza has a very very special place in my heart as it's where I first went on a plane to, my first holiday without my parents, it probably was the best time of my life. So I'd happily sit and watch people have just as much fun as I did. Also, I was proper in love with the Magaluf Weekender so.. it only seems right.
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